Sunday 25 November 2018

hard drive - Blank screen before Windows login screen - is my SSD about to die?

I'm running a Windows 7 system with an ASRock H61M-HVS motherboard which boots from a 128GB Kingston SV200 SSD. The drive has been in use in this capacity since 2010, and until recently has had fast boot up times.

For the last few weeks, I've noticed that during boot, a blank screen shows after the Windows boot logo, and persists for between 30 seconds to a minute before the login screen finally appears. The fact that this happens on boot makes me suspect that after almost a decade in use the SSD is finally about to die.

However, what's throwing me off is that CrystalDiskInfo and a smartctl long scan show the drive as being healthy, and all the attributes seem to be safely above their thresholds:

enter image description here

Obviously I have backups, but if I need to spend the money to buy a new SSD, I'd rather know sooner than later to avoid any downtime.

Is my SSD about to die, or is there another likely cause for the long blank screen?

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